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        St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded by Peter the First in 1703.

     It is situated on 42 islands. The river Neva runs through the city. It runs from Lake Ladoga into the Baltic Sea. At night the bridges are raised over the Neva. In May and June, the sun shines very late in the evening. People call these nights the White Nights. 

Many Russian and foreign architects took part in the construction of the city.

      The first building was the Peter and Paul fortress. It was designed by D.Trezzini.













    The magnificent building of the Winter Palace is a masterpiece of another great Italian architect B.Rastrelli. The Admiralty of the Russian architect Zakharov also evokes the admiration of Peterburgers and our guests.

     St. Isaaс’s Cathedral is the greatest cathedral in Russia. It belongs to the best works of the court  architect, Auguste de Montferrand. The cathedral is the heaviest building in the city, and its dome is the largest in Russia. The monument to Nicholas I, that is in Isaaс’s Square in front of the cathedral, was designed by this architect too and created by the sculptor P.Klodt.













The Kazan Cathedral is connected with the name of the architect Voronikhin. The grating near the Cathedral is also called the Voronikhin Grating. There are two monuments, to Kutuzov and Barсlay de Tolli in front of the cathedral which are the symbols of Russian weapon.

        The other masterpiece of world architecture is the Church of the Saviour on Spilt Blood. It was built on the place where Alexander II had been killed. The architect – A. Parland.

      There are many architectural ensembles near Lesgaft University. The "New Holland Archway” is one of the highest achievements of Sergey Chevakinsky and Vallen de Lamont. Many people say it’s the most beautiful place in the city.

      The St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Belfry also demonstrate the talent of the outstanding Russian architect Sergey Chevakinsky.

      The Mariinsky Theatre brought fame to the architect A. Kavos.

     One of the most famous monument is the Bronze Horseman. This name was given to the monument to Peter I by A.Pushkin. The author of the monument is Etienne Falconet.

     There are many museums in St. Petersburg. The Hermitage is the biggest Museum of art in our country. The Russian State Museum is the second largest one in St. Petersburg.

     The main street is Nevsky Prospect, and the largest square is the Field of Mars.

      After Moscow, St. Petersburg is the second largest and the most important center of science and culture in Russia. We are very proud of it.


Ключевые слова и фразы:

a masterpiece - шедевр

to evoke the admiration - вызывать восхищение

a dome - купол

an architectural ensemble – архитектурный ансамбль

an achievement - достижение

to demonstrate the talent – демонстрировать талант

outstanding - выдающийся

an architect - архитектор

to bring fame to smb.- приносить славу кому-л.

the centre of science and culture – центр науки и культуры

The Neva - Нева

Lake Ladoga – Ладожское озеро

the Baltic Sea – Балтийское море

the Peter and Paul fortress – Петропавловская крепость

the Winter Palace – Зимний дворец

The Admiralty – Адмиралтейство

St. Isaaс’s Cathedral – Исаакиевский собор

Saint Isaac's Square – Исаакиевская площадь

The Kazan Cathedral – Казанский собор

the Voronikhin Grating – Воронихинская решетка

the Church of the Saviour on Spilt Blood – Церковь Спаса на Крови

New Holland Archway - Арка Новой Голландии

The St. Nicholas Cathedral – Никольский собор

the Belfry - Колокольня

The Mariinsky Theatre – Мариинский театр                                                                                

The Bronze Horseman – Медный всадник                                                                                    

 The Hermitage - Эрмитаж

The Russian State Museum – Русский государственный музей                            

Nevsky Prospect – Невский проспект                                                                                      

 the Field of Mars – Марсово поле    


(Taken from Е.А. Баженова, А.Ю.Гренлунд, Л.Я.Ковалева, А.В.Соколова «Английский язык для физкультурных специальностей», М., «Академия», 2010 г., стр.85-86)

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