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15 vocabulary food 02.jpg



Making a Reservation

Mike: I'd like to make a reservation for 2 people on Friday night.

Waiter: What time would you like?

Mike: 8:00.

Waiter: We don't have anything available at 8:00. Is 7:30 ok.

Mike: Yes, that's fine.

Waiter: Your name please?

Mike: Mike Smith.

Waiter: Ok, Mr Smith. We'll see you at 7:30 on Friday.

Mike: Thank you. Bye.

Waiter: Goodbye.

At the Restaurant

Waiter: Can I help you?

Lisa: A table for two please.

Waiter: This way.


Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Lisa: Yes, we'll have the chicken with vegetables, and the vegetable pasta please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Lisa: Just some water please.


After the Meal

Waiter: Can I get you anything else? Coffee? Dessert?

Lisa: No, just the bill please.


Sample Dialog 1 (John and Jill are eating out this evening)

Waiter:  Good evening.  Do you have a reservation?

John:     Yes, I've booked a table for 2.  The name is Smith.

Waiter:  Let me see... Ah, yes, Mr. Smith.  Your table will be ready in about 5 minutes.

John:     Thank you.

(5 minutes later)

Waiter:   Mr. Smith, your table is ready.  Please come this way.


Sample Dialog 2 (Getting ready to order)

Waiter:          Good evening.  How are you today?

John & Jill:     Fine, thank you.

Waiter:          I'll be your waiter this evening.  My name is Steve.  Here's your menu.

John & Jill:    Thank you.

Waiter:          Would you like something to drink while you're looking at your menu?

John:             Yes, I'll have a coke please.

Jill:                I'll have an ice tea please.

Waiter:          A coke and an ice tea.  I'll be right back with your drinks.


Sample Dialog 3 (Ordering food)

Waiter:   Are you ready to order?

John:      Yes, I think we are.

Waiter:   Good!  Let's start with the lady.  What would you like?

Jill:         I'll have the grilled salmon.

Waiter:   That comes with a salad.  What kind of salad would you like?  Caesar, or garden?

Jill:         Caesar please.

Waiter:   OK.  How about you, sir?  What would you like?

John:      I'll have the steak.

Waiter:   How would you like it?

John:      Medium, please.

Waiter:   And would you like baked potato or fries?

John:      Fries, please.

Waiter:   OK.  Would it be all?

John:      Yes, thank you.


Sample Dialog 4 (John and Jill are enjoying their food)

Waiter:            Here's your grilled salmon, and here's your steak.  Enjoy!

John & Jill:      Thanks.

John:              Ummm...  The food smells good.

Jill:                 It sure does.  Oh, the salmon is really tasty.  How's your steak?

John:              Very tender and juicy.  Excellent.   


Sample Dialog 5 (John and Jill are packed!  meaning: full)

Waiter:           Is everything alright?

John & Jill:     Yes, excellent.

Waiter:           Good.  Would you care for some dessert?

John:              (To Jill)  I'm too full to have dessert.  How about you?

Jill:                 I'm packed too.

John:              (To the waiter)  No, we're too full!  May I have the bill, please?

Waiter:           Sure.


Sample Dialog 6

(John and Jill are eating out again - but this time they are having a bad experience!)

John:             Where's our food?  I'm starving!

Jill:                Yes!  This is ridiculous!  I'm famished!

John:             Excuse me!

Waiter:           Yes?

John:              We've ordered our food over half an hour ago, and we're still waiting for it.  What's going on?

Waiter:           I'm sorry, we are really busy tonight.  I'll check with the kitchen.


Sample Dialog 7 (The food is terrible!)

John:             Oh, here comes our food!

Jill:                Finally!

Waiter:          Here's your salmon, and here's your steak.

Jill:               OK!  Let's eat!  Oh!  My fish is cold!  I can't eat it!  How's your steak?

John:            It's ... tough ... and dry.  It tastes like ... a piece of leather! 

(Calling the waiter)  Excuse me!  We can't eat this food.  Her fish is cold, and my steak is tough and dry!

Waiter:         I'm sorry.  I'll take it back to the kitchen.


Dialogues are taken from:

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